Contributions Series Nr. 16
$3.00 – $4.00
Late Quaternary Vegetation and Climates of the American Southwest
Bonnie F. Jacobs, Patricia L. Fall & Owen K. Davis
PDF & Hardcopy available
192 pp.
This volume is an outgrowth of a session of the VIth International Palynological Conference held at Calgary, August 1984. Our goal in organizing the session, and in creating this volume, was to bring together a representative sample of recent palynological works focused on problems in the Quaternary of the southwestern United States. We chose to include papers with subject matter outside the Southwest proper (the Great Basin and southern California) because studies in these neighboring areas are significant for broader interpretations of past climate and vegetation in the western United States. We hope that this volume makes a useful contribution towards gaining a general understanding of the environmental history of the American Southwest.
The publication of this Contributions issue was generously supported by The Institute for the Earth and Man at Southern Methodist University, Lucy M. Cranwell, and the Department of Geosciences at The University of Arizona. We are very grateful for their support. Jo Ann Overs typed the papers and Betty Fink helped with editing. We sincerely appreciate their help. We also thank the many individuals who reviewed manuscripts for this volume.
Table of Contents
Introduction.. Paul S. Martin ………………………………………………………………..3
Palynology of Holocene sediments, Colorado Front Range: Vegetation and treeline changes in the subalpine forest
Susan K. Short …………………………………………………………………………………….7
Holocene dynamics of the subalpine forest in central Colorado
Patricia L. Fall …………………………………………………………………………………..31
Palynology in Montezuma County, southwestern Colorado: The local history of the pinyon pine (Pinus edulis)
Kenneth Lee Petersen………………………………………………………………………….47
A comparison of historic and prehistoric vegetation change caused by man in central Arizona
Owen Kent Davis, Richard H. Hevly, and Richard D. Foust, Jr……………..63
Prehistoric disturbance floras of the lower Sonoran Desert and their implications
Susanne K. Fish………………………………………………………………………………….77
Palynology and Neotoma middens
Robert s. Thompson…………………………………………………………………………..89
Two Holocene pollen records from the central Great Basin
David B. Madsen……………………………………………………………………………..113
Late glacial and Holocene vegetation and climate in the Sierra Nevada of California, with particular reference to the Balsam Meadow site
Scott Anderson, Owen K. Davis, and Patricia L. Fall…………………………. 127
A 50,000 year record of Quaternary environments; Walker Lake, Coconino Co., Arizona
Richard H. Hevly…………………………………………………………………………….141
Identification of pine pollen from the southwestern United States
Bonnie Fine Jacobs …………………………………………………………………………155
Late Pleistocene and Holocene pollen records from two caves in the Grand Canyon of Arizona, USA
Kay O’Rourke and Jim I. Mead………………………………………………………..169