Contributions Series Nr. 21 (PDF)


Illustrated Key to Genera of Lower Cretaceous Terrestrial Palynomorphs (excluding Megaspores) of Western Canada
Elliot T. Burden and Len V. Hills

PDF only
152 pp.



Abundant and diverse Lower Cretaceous terrestrial palynomorphs in western Canada comprising some 126 genera and 304 species have been compiled into an easily accessed, illustrated systematic guide to genera. This guide, a variant of the “Turma” system, has been divided into 9 “Categories” each containing a morphologic key holding between 2 and 63 genera. To facilitate the identification of palynomorphs with vague or vestigal characteristics (eg. alete grains with non-functional trilete marks) biological relationships have not been stressed and genera have been cross- indexed within and between Categories. Each keyed generic diagnosis has been illustrated by a figure showing the salient features. In addition, 219 species from 103 genera have been illustrated with photographs, and all recognised species have been listed according to their geologic range. Species not illustrated in this guide to the Lower Cretaceous flora include very rare or unique (aberrant?) taxa and the tricolpate and tricolporate angiosperm pollen more common in Upper Cretaceous strata.

The genera Polycingulatisporites, Annulispora, Plicatella and Appendicisporites have been formally emended; one new species Impardecispora steepbankensis n. sp. has been described and a number of new combinations proposed. In addition, there have been 20 geographic range extensions of species into western Canada and 7 taxonomic notes clarifying the morphology or geologic range of species.