Ronald O. Kapp’s Pollen and Spores, 2014
Pollen and Spores
Ronald O. Kapp, Owen K. Davis, James E. King
Second Edition, 279 p.
(Illustrated by Richard C. Hill)
PDF & Hardcopy available
Preface to the Second Edition
“How to Know Pollen and Spores” by Ron Kapp was published in 1969, by William C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa. The volume quickly became a standard reference for the identification of Quaternary pollen and it has remained one of America’s favorite palynology texts, particularly among beginning students. Certainly, a primary attraction is the clarity and simplicity of its illustrations, drawn primarily by Rick Hall, then a student at Alma College, where Ron Kapp spent his academic career. Kapp credited Rick with “all illustrations except those of fungal spores,” but Kapp’s initials can also be seen on some illustrations.
Kapp planned a revised edition that he began in 1985; however, this was cut short by his untimely death in March of 1990. With this edition, King and Davis have endeavored to continue the clarity and simplicity of Kapp’s work while updating and correcting the text. Their goal is to provide an inexpensive introduction and guide to an area to which they are devoted, in hopes of continuing Ron’s work and advancing the remarkable field of palynology.
Some conventions introduced in the second edition include a consistent format for each taxon’s of Latin binomial, followed by “CN” common name, SIZE in micrometers (μm), (geographical) RANGE, and NOTES. Keys to several groups have been expanded and the literature has been updated to reflect the many advances in palynology since the original 1969 edition.
Many palynologists have provided suggestions and ideas for this edition, which have been incorporated wherever practical. Students over the years have provided invaluable insights through their questions and comments, we thank them all. And we are particularly thankful for the efforts of Phil Jenkins, of the University of Arizona Herbarium, who edited the plant taxonomic nomenclature in this text. We gratefully acknowledge the technical support of several persons in preparing this Second Edition, including Philip D. Jenkins, Jo Ann Overs, and Becky Meyers.
Richard C. Hall is a medical illustrator whose office is near Jim King’s. Richard and his students Terence Condrich, and Ross Papalardo, repaired many of his original drawings, and produced several new ones.
James E. King
The Cleveland Museum of Department of Geosciences
Natural History University of Arizona
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Owen K. Davis
Department of Geosciences
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721